2025 Race Calendar

SWRRC Series Rules

The purpose of the Southwest Road Race Championship (SWRRC) is to provide and organize a Southwest Divisional Race Series for all competition licensed drivers of the Southwest Division of SCCA.

January 17-19Polar Prix MajorsMSR CressonMajors, SWRRC Points, Runoffs Eligible
February 21-23ECR MajorsEagles Canyon RacewayMajors, SWRRC Points, Runoffs Eligible
March 21-23NOLA Super TourNOLA2 Day Super Tour, SWRRC Points, Runoffs Eligible
April 25-27Hallett Super TourHallett2 Day Super Tour, SWRRC Points, Runoffs Eligible
May 23-25Fun in the Sun MajorsMSR HoustonMajors, SWRRC Points, Runoffs Eligible
August 29-31Sunburn Grand PrixEagles Canyon RacewayMajors, SWRRC year-end Points, Runoffs Eligible
December 12-14Chili Pepper DoubleMSR HoustonDouble Regional, 2026 SWRRC Points, NOT Runoffs Eligible