Championship Points - Sun Nov 10 20:02:52 2019 |
Total Members: 293 |
Event # | Event Name |
1 | Event_1_3-3-19 |
2 | Event_2_3-24-19 |
3 | Event_3_4-28-19 |
4 | Event_4_6-23-19 |
5 | Event_5_7-28-19 |
6 | Event_6_8-18-19 |
7 | Event_7_9-22-19 |
8 | Event_8_10-6-19 |
9 | Event_9_11-10-19 |
Ties: In case of a tie, the greater number of 1st place finishes from the competitors' seven best finishes shall decide, followed by greater number of 2nds, etc. If that fails to break the tie, the results of head-to-head competition in the seven best events shall be used.
ss | as | asl | bs | cs | ds | es | fs | fsl | gs | hs |
ssc | sts | stx | str | stu | sth | smf | sm | ssm | ssp | asp |
bsp | csp | dsp | dspl | esp | fsp | ssr | cam-c | cam-t | cam-s | xp |
dp | ep | fp | cm | dm | em | fm | fsae | n | x | w |
m |